The correct spices will elevate the taste of every dish to a new level. Check out these 4 gift sets containing spices that will make your food pop out during any dinner. We offer the possibility to add any logo to the gift set of your choice. Head over to our website, to start creating your very own.

Salt of the Earth Gift Set
Salt is one of the most antique but irreplaceable spices.This gift set, composed of gourmet artisan finishing salts sourced from ancient sea salts and underground brine lakes, will add a kick to any dish. Each salt has its own distinct flavour and texture making it worthwhile to experiment with each of them.
The Pepper Trade Gift Set
This pepper spice gift box set is perfect for any gastronome. It offers a collection of 8 varieties perfect for adding culinary magic to any meal of your choosing. No inspiration? Each peppercorn comes with simple serving suggestions, so you can start off cooking right away.

Chilly Addict Gift Set
This gift set is ideal for anyone that likes blazing flavours. These chilli spices will add delightful heat, colour, and visual appeal to any dish. Enjoy the taste of different chilli peppers from around the world.
Spices of Africa Gift Set
Our gift set containing African spices will make you receive compliments for any dish. Composed of spices that will tantalise your taste-buds, this gift set is perfect for anyone who likes to experiment with new mouthwatering meals.